Health - gift basket with fruit
Decrease: Apples - 0.5 kg, tangerines - 0.5 kg, lemon - 1 units, honey (500 g) - 1 units, jams (310 g.) - 1 unit, the asset - 1 units, Coldrex MAX Influenza -.. 1up basket small, inlay.
Standard:Apples - 0.5 kg, tangerines - 0.5 kg, lemon - 1 units, honey (500 g) - 1 units, jams (310 g.) - 1 units, active - 1 units, miracle yogurt - 1 pc., Coldrex MAX flu -. 1up, average basket, decor.
Suite:Apples - 1 kg, tangerines - 1 kg, lemon - 1 units, honey (500 g) - 1 units, jams (310 g.) - 1 units, active - 1 units, miracle yogurt - 1 pc., TeraFlu - 1 pack, Coldrex MAX Flu -. 1up, large basket, decor.
This type of product is delivered only in Russia and CIS countries.
Flower delivery service in Grand-flora valid under Russian law, and guarantees you 100% service! If you contact our company you will be protected from any situation, as we will provide you with the following types of guarantees.
Quality assurance
Only fresh flowers
Guaranteed secure payment
Your money is in safe hands
Privacy Guaranteed
We will not say from whom flowers
Guarantee adequate price
Pleasant value for money
Guaranteed fast delivery
The shortest delivery time of the bouquet
We guarantee that you will be satisfied
More than 300,000 happy customers
Юлия Тихонова / г. Северодвинск / 26.08.2020bouquet rating:Фруктовые корзины -очень актуальны на подарок, особенно мужчинам, ведь им не всегда уместно дарить цветы. Вот мы от коллектива преподнесли такую корзину нашему зам руководителю на больничном. Тут все что нужно! А в подарке главное эмоции, внимание и поддержка! А вашей компании спасибо за ваш ассортимент актуальных подарков!
Elena Goncharova / г. Котлас / 29.07.2018bouquet rating:Super! Professionally, respectfully, quickly! Doing business with you - a pleasure! Mom just happy! Thank you very much!
Marina Gorokhov / г. Электросталь / 28.07.2018bouquet rating:Many thanks!!! for the opportunity to surprise, please and of course to congratulate their loved ones. high-level services. I wish you further development and all the best! THANK YOU!
Olesia Sokolova / г. Лермонтов / 26.07.2018bouquet rating:All are happy! very quickly! Decent basket, value for money! Very long I chose to have everything in one komplekte.Svezhie fruit, beautiful design. After such a gift hochesh- not want to go on the amendment. Thank you so much!
Innocent / г. Новомосковск / 25.07.2018bouquet rating:Order your basket for the third time! Everything is great! Very happy and the girl too. Baskets you for every taste and occasion